Are you an entrepreneur or business owner wanting to improve and grow your business?

Do you belong to a founders peer to peer group?

As a founder do you often feel isolated and in need of support?

Do you belong to a founders peer to peer group? As a founder do you often feel isolated and in need of support?

Startup2Standup is a learning, ideas and solutions exchange. Please get in contact with to participate in one of our weekly board sessions as a guest.

Some SU2SU members

Some of our members who are benefiting from our peer to peer mentor groups.

About you

What you get

Our founders Community

At Startup2Standup we are passionate about helping & mentoring entrepreneurs, start ups & SME business owners. With a changing commercial landscape now is the right time to join a community that is devoted to supporting the risk takers & wealth creators.

We believe we’ve created a diverse & very experienced talented organisation intent on helping our members succeed & implement growth plan strategies which will propel their own businesses to prosper & new heights.

Our team

Between our three founders we can offer over 60 years of diverse business experience. We’re passionate in assisting business owners reaching their goals, aspirations & growth plans.

Harry Wyndham

Business leader and chair of Vistage

Harry Wyndham is an experienced business leader, chairman and non-executive director. He is also a distinguished coach, mentor and communications advisor. Harry helps young people early in their careers, as well as established CEOs, leaders and managers. He helps you to make the most of yourself, your business and your life.

Ollie Austen

Serial entrepreneur and of an acquired company

Ollie Austen is a highly effective business leader and entrepreneur, with a track record of devising and implementing strategy to establish, build and develop highly successful teams, deliver growth and enter new markets globally. A true entrepreneur with a proven ability to develop and position products and services that deliver major returns. Proactive and determined, a true leader, whose ability to mentor and motivate teams and individuals is proven to foster highly productive working environments and drive profitability.

Gary Jackson

Startup specialist, founder of Hailo

Co-founder of one of Europe's most successful transportation apps, Hailo the taxi app. Having spent the last 10 years at Hailo/mytaxi/Freenow he has gained great experience in all aspects of business, from startup to evolving into a corporate company, he now is working on numerous startup ideas and advising /NED for other startups.


For all early stage Founders I'm connected with, well worth considering joining Startup 2 Standup. Lots of benefits, but the star for me being the weekly 'clinic' calls where topics such as B Corp, SEO, how to pitch, funding challenges, trading with EU, having a subsidiary in India and much more are discussed. A great way for founders to get support in a friendly environment from fellow founders, exited entrepreneurs and domain experts.

Sam Simpson
Founders Catalyst

"Gary has been a vital asset to the Chasyr team as it undergoes a critical pivot. His business acumen and start-up founder insight has been instrumental in shaping the company and helping us realize our vision. He has become a staple of our team calls and he always has an angle to contribute that we might have missed. Consider yourself lucky if you're able to have Gary advising your team."

T Marquez CEO
Chief Executive officer and Founder Chasyr

“Gary is one of those people who you just enjoy being around. His enthusiasm for business and life is boundless, and it's contagious. He's also an ideas machine! Always at the forefront of innovation, he manages to be both groundbreaking and practical all at once which is a powerful combo.”

Dave Plunket
Co founder advantage benefits and partnership expert

“I always thought my business challenges were unique so when I first met Harry and Ollie years ago I was somewhat skeptical about whether they really would understand and be able to help. Right from the start, however, I was amazed: their invaluable support over the years as my business has grown and developed have helped me to reach new heights. Ollie's no-nonsense approach has helped me get straight to the core issues and deal with them, and Harry's wise and attentive support has helped me keep my eyes on the goal. Both Harry and Ollie care deeply about people. I highly recommend both of them and the excellent work they are doing through Start Up 2 Stand Up. If you're serious about growing your business, don't hesitate to speak to them."

Grant Ballard-Tremeer
Eco Director

‘We’ve been a part of the SU2SU community for the past 3 months and it’s been a great support for our start-up, Cru Communications. Running a business, especially when it’s your first, can be a really isolating experience, and it’s been so helpful to be able to call on a group of like-minded and hugely experienced people for advice. Ollie and Gary have also been helping us out with one-on-one coaching which has really helped to keep us on track and think about things differently, which we never would have done without SU2SU. With their help, we’re definitely starting to think more commercially, laying a really good financial groundwork for the business. It can be so easy to get stuck in the day-to-day, and Ollie, Gary and the rest of the team really help us to focus on the bigger picture of growth’.

Emma Hawley, Co-Founder
Founder Cru Commuications

"really good being part of such a vibrant and supportive community - wish I had joined earlier"

Eddie Forson

“Harry and Ollie are that great combination of being careful and thoughtful listeners and experienced and successful entrepreneurs. Above all, they take delight in seeing businesses and people succeed. I have come to rely upon them as mentors and a source of clear, sound advice”

Terry Fuller
Chief Executive, The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

“Having attended many business groups over the last 5 years, both online and offline I can say that SU2SU is one of the few that really delivers on its stated mission. Unlike others there is no fluff, it just business. The environment is one of mutual respect, plain speaking, challenging debate but with serious support for all concerned. I would recommend this group to investors and founders alike”

Bharat Sarollia

"I’ve just attended a talk about investment through the amazing group I am part of called Startup 2 Standup. So if you are looking for a supportive, knowledgable group to start (or continue) your entrepreneurial journey I can wholeheartedly recommend Startup 2 Standup."

Kelly Newton
Founder of BP3 Underwear

"Startup 2 Standup is everything that I need right now in an advisory power team. SU2SU is invaluable to me as a solo founder. I thank Ollie, Gary & Gareth for creating and introducing me to such a strong diverse & community of other Founders, Exited Founders and Advisors who always provide fresh perspectives and help to steer my thinking."

Jonathan Heavens
Founder of

“SU2SU is a great concept and provides much needed support and mentoring for start up founders. The discussions are always lively and everyone involved provides valuable contributions. Starting a new business can be a daunting process and SU2SU is a great forum for founders to ask for ideas or suggestions from people with many years of business experience”.

Paul Vousden
Corporate Counsel.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me over the last few weeks as I have been posting on the tree planting we have been doing with The Green Task Force. The messages, emails, calls and texts have really inspired me, I didn't need any more motivation but I got some THANK YOU. Also a big thanks for a tremendous introduction by 🌍Johnny J Pawlik this week to Gary Jackson and Ollie Austen from Startup 2 Standup which led to a wonderful morning networking, learning, sharing and generally being enlightened in what has to be one of, if not the, best communities on the internet. Masterfully hosted by Gareth Hawkins MBA, FRSA, a superb start to any day. Well done guys you are onto a winner!

Jim Holland

I've experienced many networking groups over the years, and I've never come across anything quite like Startup 2 Standup. The weekly "clinic" call is the main event. It's a welcoming space with a diverse range of smart, kind, and interesting people (a mix of founders and business owners at different stages, maybe a few investors and some advisors) and just the right amount of structure and chaos. In the last couple of weeks alone, I've had three of those 'conversations you don't want to end' with people I've met through S2SU. Hello Christopher Stylianou, Danielle Morgan, and Gareth Hawkins.

Matt Mower
The Art Of Navigation

Just a shout out to thank the Startup 2 Standup community! Start Up 2 Stand Up is invaluable. I had a pressing matter with the strategic direction of my business come up, the next day we had our weekly drop-in surgery and I was able to bring it to the rest of the group and it was put straight to the top of the priorities for that call. I got loads of great insight and advice from the rest of the team on what to do next - I was able to take that to my own team to inform the direction we went in next. For those in my network who are Founders looking for Peer-to-peer support I'd definitely recommend checking it out!

Christopher Stylianou
The Adventure Is Real

For all early stage Founders I'm connected with, well worth considering joining Startup 2 Standup. Lots of benefits, but the star for me being the weekly 'clinic' calls where topics such as B Corp, SEO, how to pitch, funding challenges, trading with EU, having a subsidiary in India and much more are discussed. A great way for founders to get support in a friendly environment from fellow founders, exited entrepreneurs and domain experts.

Sam Simpson
Founders Catalyst

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